Selling Price: $11,350 / Deeded Acre
Sale Date: Tuesday, June 22, 2021 10:00 AM
Sale Location: At the farm in Section 3 Ewington Township Jackson County, MN.
SALE LOCATION: The auction will be held On-Site at the farm located from the junction of Highway #60 & County Road #1 at
Brewster, Minnesota approximately 1-3/4 miles south on #1 to Jackson County #14 (820th Street), then east on #14 3 miles to 340th Avenue, then 1 miles south on 340th Avenue to 810th Street, then 3/4 miles east OR from Okabena, Minnesota 4 miles south on County Road #9 to County Road #14, then 3 miles west on #14 to County Road #63, then 1 miles south on #63 to 810th Street, then 1/4 mile west.
Watch for auction signs.
The West Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2 SE1/4) Section Three (3), Township One Hundred Two (102) North (Ewington Township), Range Thirty-Eight (38) West Jackson County, Minnesota. Jackson County Parcel #07.003.0200.
The property will be offered in One (1) tract. The farm is being sold subject to a 2021 cropland lease. The seller shall retain all of the 2021 cropland lease payments. The Buyer or Buyers shall enter into a purchase agreement and make a 20% Non-Refundable down-payment the day of the auction. The closing shall be held on Monday, November 1, 2021 with the balance being due and payable in full at closing. The sale will NOT be contingent upon any buyer financing. The buyer is responsible for all real estate taxes that are due and payable in 2022 and thereafter. Property is being sold “AS IS”, property is being sold subject to any easements including road, drainage, utility or other easements of record or pending. The sellers do not warranty or guarantee that existing fences lie on the true boundary and any new fencing, if any, will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to MN statues. The buyers are responsible for all inspections of the property prior to their purchase of it. The sale is subject to the seller’s approval. Any statements made at the auction may take precedence over any printed information. Auction Company & Staff represent the seller in this transaction.
SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING PENDING DRAINAGE ASSESSMENT: The Seller will pay 100% of the pending drainage assessment of approximately $73,355.43 that is to be placed on the property in 2021.
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