

Sale Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 10:00 AM

Sale Location: 85208 570th Ave Jackson MN

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Key Features

Inspection: Equipment inspection will be welcome at the farm located at 85208 570th Street Jackson, MN on the dates of May 5th, 6th, & 8th.

COMBINE & HEADERS: JD 9500 Combine 4,898 eng. 3,210 sep. Ceres Loup 8000I yield monitor Firestone 30.5 L 32 rubber, slightly damaged straw chopper, Geringhoff Rota Disc RD 600 Corn head 6R 30 2 stalk stompers, poly snouts, stalk rollers, JD 925 Platform Header Full fingered reel, Poly snouts, Poly bottom, Selling with homemade header cart.

TRACTOR: JD 8220 MFWD Tractor w/ 4,522 hrs, JD Auto Trac Universal Unit, 3 remote hyd. 1 power beyond hyd. 1000 Pto. Front fenders, Buddy seat, Quick hitch, Rock box, 420/90 R30 Front rubber, 480/ 80 R46 Rear duals .

TRUCK: 1984 Ford F-700 tandem axle Grain Truck w/ 5 x 3 transmission, diff lock, 20 ft. box 133,913 Indc. Miles.

WAGONS: Parker 1180 Gravity Wagon on 16.5 L- 16.1 rubber, Lundell 1290 Gravity Wagon on Balzer gear.

TILLAGE EQUIPMENT: Wil-Rich Excel Series 25.5' Field Cultivator, 4 bar harrow, walking axles, spring C shanks, lights. IH 183 12 R 30" Row Crop Cultivator, Rolling Shields, 3 C shank.

MANURE EQUIPMENT: Better Built 4950 Manure Wagon w/ 6 Row Dietrich applicator, wavy coulters, 23.1-26 rubber, collection box, big 1000 Pto. Krohne flow meter new in 2020. Hyd. down pressure, lights, Houle 8 ft. Manure Pump, trailer type, 540 Pto

PLANTER & SPRAYER: JD 7300 MaxEmerge 2 Vacumeter Planter 12R 30" 3 pt. mount w/ lift assist. Vertical folding, JD 250 Computer Trac Monitor, New gauge wheel arms, disk openers, scrappers, Vertical fold, 1 1/2 bu. boxes, Insecticide boxes, Star closing wheels, Drag chains, Martin Till Trash whippers, Wil-Rich Trail Master  Sprayer 60' Boom, 1000 Gal tank, 4 section boom control, Raven 450 Monitor, Raven flow controls, hyd. fold, hyd. up and down. 20" nozzle spacing. Goodyear 320/90R 46 rubber

AUGER & SNOWBLOWER: Feterl 10X66 Auger manual swing hopper, hyd. drive, hyd. lift. 540 Pto. International 80 Snow Blower without front Pto shaft and without hyd. cylinder

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